Thursday, February 20, 2020

Spritual Energy Counseling in LA (3/11-17)

Spiritual Energy Counseling (person to person counseling)

I am excited to have these opportunities to do Spiritual Energy Counseling works in Los Angels to help the people in need of both spiritual side and physical sie.  Please come and experience this unusual energy works. You will be amazed for the work.

- Detail for the counseling:

Spiritual Energy Counseling Schedule


- March 11th (Wed) : A: 2pm-3pm, B: 3:30-4:30pm
Place: M Lab LA, Trance

- March 12th (Thr) : A: 2pm-3pm, B: 3:30-4:30pm
Place: M Lab LA, Trance

- March 13th (Fri): A: 1pm-2pm, B: 2:30pm-3:30pm, C: 4pm-5:00pm
Place: Orange Island Curtal Center, Orange County

- March 14th (Sat): A: 2pm-3pm, B: 3:30-4:30pm
Place: Taka Hair Salon (WLA)

- March 15th (Sun): A: 2pm-3pm, B: 3:30-4:30pm
Place: Tanpoopo Club, Irvin

- LA Special Discount Price (usual price is $250)

Early Bird Price: $150/ 60min (until 2/29)
After 2/29 Price: $200-/ 60min

[ For Business Counseling]
- LA Special Discount Price (usual price is $450)

Early Bird Price: $300/ 60min (until 2/29)
After 2/29 Price: $400-/ 60min

- Contact:

Spritual Energy Counseling in LA (3/11-17)

Spiritual Energy Counseling (person to person counseling) I am excited to have these opportunities to do Spiritual Energy Counseling wo...